News: Cadiz Water Project Update – Court of Appeals Hearing Held

On March 23, 2016 oral argument was held in the six appeals of the 2014 trial court decisions upholding the environmental review and approval of the Cadiz Water Project.  A three judge panel of the California Court of Appeals, Fourth District heard the oral argument by the parties. A final ruling by the panel is expected within 90 days.

The six cases brought by the Center for Biological Diversity, et al and Delaware Tetra Technologies Inc. seek to overturn the 2014 rulings by the Orange County Superior Court, which upheld the approvals of the Project under California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).  Santa Margarita Water District, San Bernardino County and Cadiz were joined in support of the Superior Court’s rulings by 11 Amicus Curiae (Friend of the Court) who also filed supportive briefs.

The Cadiz Water Project is based on comprehensive data and peer-reviewed science and has been pursued with a commitment to safe and sustainable groundwater use.

We stand by the thorough, independent review of the Project by SMWD and the County, as well as the findings of the Superior Court, and we look forward to the prompt conclusion of the appeals, so that together with our public agency partners we may deliver a new water supply for 400,000 Southern Californians as soon as possible.


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