Press Release: Cadiz Inc. Adds New Water Project Support Letter To Website

LOS ANGELES, CA (BusinessWire) — Today Cadiz Inc. (NASDAQ: CDZI) (“Cadiz”, the “Company”) posted a new letter in support of the Cadiz Valley Water Conservation, Recovery & Storage Project (“Cadiz Water Project”) from Congressman Duncan Hunter (R-CA-50) to the Company’s website. This new letter and additional letters of support for the Cadiz Water Project, including one posted earlier this week from Congressman Jim Costa (D-CA) and Congressman Collin Peterson (D-MN) can be found at this link: .

The Cadiz Water Project will create a new water supply for approximately 100,000 Southern California families by capturing and conserving groundwater that would otherwise be lost to evaporation and high-salinity in eastern San Bernardino County.  The Project is a public–private partnership between Cadiz Inc. and the Santa Margarita Water District and will be carried out by public water providers that serve over 1 million customers across California.

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