About Us

About Us

Delivering Clean, Reliable, Affordable Water for People

Cadiz is a water solutions innovator delivering access to safe, reliable, and affordable water for people. We are partners in water equity, promoting human access to clean water through partnerships that leverage a unique combination of supply, storage, pipeline and treatment solutions, cutting-edge innovation, and industry-leading standards of environmental stewardship. The human right to water is not reality for everyone. We believe in a world where wealth and geography do not dictate access to safe, clean, affordable water. With political will and investment in infrastructure, clean water can be available to all and delivered sustainably for generations to come.

Our mission is to help communities secure access to safe, reliable water supplies by bringing private sector innovation into partnerships with public water agencies. Working together we can solve today’s water challenges with unique innovative solutions to sustainably deliver safe, clean, and affordable water to people who need it.

Our History and Our Future


Cadiz, Inc.
is Founded in Cadiz, California.



San Bernadino County issues first permits and approvals to develop up to 9,600 acres of agriculture at Cadiz Ranch.



Federal government agencies approve first comprehensive environmental analysis to build Cadiz Conservation and Groundwater Storage project.



Cadiz initiates acquisition of a 220-mile natural gas pipeline segment to repurpose for water conveyance.



San Bernardino County approves comprehensive environmental review and issues permits to conserve groundwater at the Ranch and make it available for beneficial use off property.



Cadiz receives federal letter of confirmation for a lease to construct a 43-mile Southern Pipeline along active railroad right of way and completes purchase of the Northern Pipeline.



Cadiz acquires ATEC Systems, adding water filtration technology to clean water solutions offerings.


In the early 1980s, a hydrogeologist named Mark Liggett was examining satellite imagery from NASA when he discovered the signs of a large aquifer under the Mojave Desert just outside of Cadiz, California. In 1983, the existence of the aquifer was confirmed and Cadiz’s mission began.

In the early ‘90s, Cadiz secured the first permits and approvals to capture groundwater before it is lost to evaporation and put it to beneficial use for agriculture. Cadiz began sustainable farming 9,600 acres in the arid Cadiz Valley, growing a variety of crops including lemons, alfalfa and hemp. In 1998, Cadiz began an environmental review and permitting process to authorize the use of the Cadiz aquifer as a groundwater storage bank to store surplus water from the Colorado River, which began the Cadiz Water Project. In 2008, we purchased a 99-year lease of land along the California-Arizona Railroad to build a 43-mile water pipeline that connects our groundwater storage bank to the Colorado River Aqueduct. In 2011 we purchased the first stretch of a 220-mile pipeline from El Paso Natural Gas and completed purchase of the entire pipeline in 2020. The pipeline stretches from Cadiz to Bakersfield, California. We are currently in the process of converting the pipeline for transportation of water. This is the first known project converting a fossil fuel pipeline to transport water. In 2022 we acquired ATEC Systems, a water filtration technology company, which will allow Cadiz to bring scalable, low-cost filtration to local water supplies.

We’re proud of our long history of water conservation, strategic groundwater management and delivering innovative private sector solutions to climate-related water challenges. Cadiz has been practicing cutting edge conservation of land and water resources for 40 years and we’re proud to make it our mission to make the human right to water a sustainably reality for all.

Cadiz, Inc.
is Founded


San Bernadino Country issues first permits and approvals for infrastructure to develop Cadiz Ranch for up to 9,600 acres of agriculture


Cadiz undergoes environmental review by state and federal agencies to secure permits and approvals to build storage project


Cadiz options strategically located Northern Pipeline – a 220-mile natural gas pipeline segment to repurpose for water conveyance


Cadiz receives County and CEQA authorization to conserve groundwater at the Ranch for beneficial use off property 


Cadiz receives federal evaluation of its lease to construct a 43-mile Southern Pipeline along active railroad right of way and completes purchase of the Northern Pipeline


Cadiz acquires ATEC Systems, adding water filtration technology to clean water solutions offerings

In the early 1980s, a geologist named Mark Liggett was looking over government maps and satellite imagery from NASA when he discovered the signs of a large aquifer under the Mojave Desert just outside of Cadiz, California. In 1983, the existence of the aquifer was confirmed and Cadiz Inc.’s mission began.

In the early ‘90s, Cadiz secured the first permits and approvals for the beneficial use of this groundwater – specifically for farming 10,000 acres of crops in the arid Cadiz Valley. Beginning in 1999, Cadiz underwent an environmental review and permitting process to secure approval to expand into groundwater storage which began the Cadiz Water Project. 2014 marked a milestone achievement for Cadiz in securing a 220-mile natural gas pipeline from El Paso Natural Gas which will play a huge role in transporting water to where it’s critically needed in California and a pioneer innovation in the conversion of fossil fuel infrastructure to water. We rounded out our solutions in 2022 with the acquisition of ATEC Systems, which will bring scalable, low-cost filtration to local water supplies.

We’re proud of our long history of water conservation practices, sustainable agricultural, and  strategic approaches to climate-related water challenges. Cadiz has been practicing responsible stewardship of our land and water resources for 40 years and looks forward to continuing our mission leading the way towards new water realities.

Where we focus our efforts

Providing solutions ready to meet the challenges of our new water reality

Bringing real, viable solutions to the table that are needed to deliver clean, reliable water where it’s needed is the foundation of our work. We work to address water challenges holistically by

Expanding safe,
water supply

Conveying water to
it’s needed

Storing water safe
from evaporation

Treating water to remove
harmful contaminants

Innovation in water management, agriculture and conservation  

Where we focus our efforts

Providing solutions ready to meet the challenges of our new water reality

Bringing real, viable solutions to the table that are needed to deliver clean, reliable water where it’s needed is the foundation of our work. We work to address water challenges holistically by:

Water Supply

Conveying water to
where it’s needed

Storing water safe
from evaporation

Treating water to remove
harmful contaminants

Redefining sustainable

Developing partnerships that build resilience and equity

We emphasize cooperation and teamwork to solve complex problems. We work with public water agencies, local governments, community leaders, and environmental justice advocates, together addressing today’s water challenges with innovative solutions.

Setting standards for environmental stewardship

Caring for the long-term well-being of our land, resources, and environment is foundational to our mission. Our solutions must not create new issues in the future.

Setting standards for environmental stewardship

Caring for the long-term well-being of our land, resources, and environment is foundational to our mission. Our solutions must not create new issues in the future.